First room almost completed - and more assets
Technically, it's the first and the second room - but the second room is the interior of a shed within the first room, so I don't think I can count that.
There are still some very minor bugs to be worked out, and I need to include some of the new drawings, but it's pretty much done. On to the second, third and fourth rooms - being an allotment path, the second plot, and the inside of either a polytunnel or greenhouse (I haven't decided which yet).
Drawing stuff is insanely time consuming. I already knew this, and it's why I got an E in my art GCSE for attempting to do all most of my coursework in 24 hours while also doing the final exam.
It's frustrating that despite spending a fair chunk of both Friday and Saturday drawing, this is all I've managed:
I'm giving myself the excuse that we have builders in at the moment, and it's upsetting my dogs terribly.